9 летний опыт строительства скалодромов в компании скалодромру rombs
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Placing the climbing wall in the register of the Ministry of Sports

Documents drawn up with the help of our company's specialists help business owners to pass inspections by government organizations and confirm the safety of sports facilities for customers.

Наличие сертификата соответствия по качеству и безопасности Системы добровольной сертификации «Спорт-Стандарт» подчеркивает, что скалодром соответствует всем нормативам, тем самым повышая доверие клиентов и их лояльность.

What is included in the cost of the service of registration in the All-Russian register of the Ministry of Sports in Skalodrom.Ru

Порядок оформления сертификата включает в себя:

  1. Filing
  2. Collection of necessary documentation
  3. Conducting tests, expert evaluation of documents
  4. Comparison of test and assessment results with legal requirements
  5. Adjudication
  6. Issuance of the result to the applicant

Why certify a climbing wall and what it gives

If you plan to host official climbing competitions in your gym, you should be puzzled about adding your climbing wall to the All-Russian Register of Sports Facilities. Starts from a Single Calendar Plan can be held only at facilities from this register.

Even if you are focused only on commercial use, then in a competitive environment, the availability of a voluntary certificate will tell the customer about the quality and safety of your equipment and the level of services you provide.

Is it necessary to certify a climbing wall

In the framework of the Customs Union, climbing walls together with equipment are not subject to mandatory certification. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 982 of 01.12.2009 also does not contain this product, so in the Russian Federation is not mandatory certification of climbing walls. All climbing walls of our production are supplied with a certificate of conformity GOST R 58066-2018, but not all manufacturers certify their products.

The presence of a certificate of compliance with the requirements GOST R 55529-2013 “Sports facilities”will allow you to avoid problems in case of various emergencies.

To pass voluntary certification, confirming the safety of the climbing wall and the equipment used, you need to collect a certain package of documentation. It includes:

  • standardized statement;
  • description of the design and equipment;
  • copies of your organization’s bylaws;
  • copies of normative-technical documents and operational data;
  • documents confirming the right to use the premises;

When applying to the company “Skalodrom.Ru” clients get the opportunity to pass certification in the shortest possible time. Our specialists independently form the necessary package of documents and submit the application to the certification authorities;

*It is important to note that we do not guarantee to obtain a certificate of conformity, but we will help to eliminate discrepancies without unnecessary costs on the part of the applicant.