проектирование скалодромов от компании скалодромру rombs
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Design of climbing walls

Designing is one of the most important stages in the production and construction of a climbing wall of any complexity

Мы занимаемся проектами любой сложности, начиная от детских скалодромов и заканчивая скалодромами для военных объектов.

Этап проектирования — это отправная точка всего дальнейшего процесса строительства скалодрома.

Design is one of the most important stages in the production and construction of a climbing wall of any complexity, and it is impossible to do without design, because in construction and, especially, in climbing there are no small things. When developing the project we try to take into account all the wishes of the customer, from the geometry of the surface to the colors of design, making adjustments only when necessary.

Дмитрий Сарапаев, команда скалодром.ру
Дмитрий Сарапаев
Дмитрий Дёмин, команда скалодром.ру
Дмитрий Демин

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    Designing a sports climbing wal

    Sport climbing walls are not too different from any other climbing wall, but not in the case of a sport climbing wall for difficulty climbing – athletes need a huge overhang compared to amateurs, which can reach 60 degrees or more.

    This overhang causes a multiple increase in the load, which leads to an increase in the amount of work, because our designers have to find a balance between the metal capacity of the supporting frame and the overall stability of the sport climbing wall.

    Designing a climbing wall for home and office

    Designing a climbing wall for a home or office is usually not difficult, and we try to design as simple and lightweight a structure as possible. However, there are pitfalls too – to start designing a climbing wall for a home or office, it is important for our designers to understand what the walls are made of and their load-bearing capacity.

    Walls and partitions in private houses, apartments and offices are often made of lightweight materials, such as GKL or aerated concrete. It is possible to attach a climbing wall to such walls, but there are some nuances. For example, in the case of partitions made of GPB it is necessary to provide reinforcement of the frame, having previously consulted with the specialists of “Skalodrom.Ru”.

    Designing a climbing wall for children

    Children’s climbing walls, although designed for kids, are designed according to adult standards. And just as with the design of large climbing walls, they should be designed with due consideration of all the requirements of GOST and SP. In addition, it is necessary to emphasize the small height and great restlessness of small climbers and create the most comfortable and safe conditions for them.

    Designing a climbing wall for commercial use

    When designing a rock climbing wall or climbing center for commercial use, it is important to understand the audience for which your future facility will be designed. Are there other climbing centers in the city and what is the average fitness level of your future visitors? Do you want to develop rock climbing as a sport, or do you need a recreational climbing center? Will you organize mass sporting events or will you limit yourself to small corporate and family parties?

    Having defined with the customer the purpose of the designed climbing wall, we will give recommendations on the occupancy of the hall, the necessary auxiliary and auxiliary rooms and the space occupied by them. After agreeing on the zoning, we start sketching the climbing walls and linking their position and geometry with the existing space. At this stage, it is important to avoid overlapping safety zones of neighboring climbing walls.

    Why do I need a climbing wall project (Creating a sketch)

    Since the first climbing walls appeared in the middle of the last century and until recently, climbing walls were traditionally built “on site”, often by a group of enthusiasts from improvised materials. With the development of rock climbing into a mass sport, international and domestic regulatory organizations have developed a number of normative documents and recommendations on design and construction, this approach has become less common, but has not stopped.

    Only by carrying out a full cycle of development of design documentation for a climbing wall, it is possible to be sure that the load-bearing frame is able to carry normative loads and does not have destructive effects on the building.

    In addition, in the process of designing a climbing wall, all details, intersections of the safety zone of the climbing wall with the surrounding environment are specified, the sketch is finalized, so that the customer of the construction of the climbing wall can be fully confident – he got exactly what he paid for.

    Also an important plus of work on the completed project will be the speed of production and installation of the climbing wall, because the team is not engaged in fitting and adjustment – the elements of the supporting frame and panels of the climbing wall are made according to the project in factory conditions, and installers only need to put everything together, like a large constructor.

    The cost of designing climbing walls

    The cost of work on the development of design documentation for a climbing wall is always very individual and depends on the number of sections required by the customer, the area of the working surface of the designed climbing wall and the complexity of the structure.

    Designing an outdoor climbing wal

    When developing design documentation of outdoor climbing walls, it is important for the designers of the company “Skalodrom.Ru” to get detailed information about the place and method of installation – is there an existing structure to which we can attach the outdoor climbing wall, or do we have to design an independent structure? If there is a structure, how much load can it support? And if we have to design a self-supporting street climbing wall “in a clear field”, what is the load-bearing capacity of the soil in this very field? What is the wind strength and where does it blow from? Do we need to design a seismically stable outdoor climbing wall, or is it safe from earthquakes? Does the climbing wall need a roof, and how many tons of snow will accumulate on it in the winter? Will it be a climbing wall in the park, accessible to everyone, or will there be instructor-led classes?

    Only after reviewing these parameters will the engineer proceed to design your outdoor climbing wall with the required safety margin in mind.

    The company Skalodrom.Ru is engaged in projects of any complexity, ranging from children’s climbing walls to climbing walls for military facilities:

    • Designing an outdoor climbing wall
    • Design of a sports climbing wall
    • Designing a climbing wall for home and office
    • Designing a climbing wall for children
    • Designing a climbing wall for commercial use

    Why designing a climbing wall is an important step

    At the stage of designing the climbing wall, everything is taken into account: the purpose of the climbing wall and existing limitations are determined, the geometry of the working surface (“crust”) is developed, the points of the upper and intermediate insurances are placed, the system of fixing the “crust” to the supporting frame is developed.

    After agreeing the first stage of design with the customer, we proceed to the development of the supporting frame, and here it is very important to correctly perform the calculation of loads and ensure the stability of the structure of the climbing wall.

    In addition to the “wishes” of the customer and external factors, our designers are always guided by the requirements of regulatory documentation – GOST, SP and other standards governing construction in general, and the construction of climbing walls in particular.

    When designing a climbing wall, we have to take into account many factors: street or room, whether it is possible to attach to existing structures or it is necessary to make an independent construction, do not forget to attach wind, snow and seismic loads typical for the region of installation. And only after several times rechecking all the calculations we hand over the project to the customer.